Category: Authors

  • Episode 126: Outcaste by Fletcher DeLancey

    Fletcher’s back to chat about her newest release, the sixth book in the Chronicles of Alsea series, Outcaste. If you can’t join us live, feel free to leave any questions or comments here and we’ll keep the conversation going. Enjoy!

  • Conversations at the Bar: A. E. Radley

    Author and publisher Amanda Radley stopped by to chat about Heartsome Books and what she’s been up to lately. We had a lovely time chatting and getting the skinny on all the great books out now and on the way. Give a listen and then go check out Heartsome!

  • Episode 125: The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson

    Since last year’s Halloween show was such fun, we decided to do another classic horror story. Join us as we chat about Jay Anson’s The Amityville Horror.

  • Episode 124: Fevre Dream by George R. R. Martin

    So, this August’s show but we’re skipping September so you can pretend it’s brand new!! Anyone who caught it on YouTube last month, you get a rerun. Sorry about that! This episode features the vampire/steamboat offering from George R. R. Martin. It’s nothing like Game of Thrones so if you’re looking for something different from […]