Episode 126: Outcaste by Fletcher DeLancey

Fletcher’s back to chat about her newest release, the sixth book in the Chronicles of Alsea series, Outcaste.

If you can’t join us live, feel free to leave any questions or comments here and we’ll keep the conversation going.


9 responses to “Episode 126: Outcaste by Fletcher DeLancey”

  1. Eeps, so sorry! I accidentally hit the thumbs down button on YouTube. I’ve just finished The Producer’s Challenge and am loving the books so far.

  2. Thank you for hosting the show, Cheri (hope you feel better soon!) and Andy. Thank you Fletcher for answering so many questions. Love The Chronicles of Alsea.

  3. Good Show! I have enjoyed all of Fletcher’s books and can’t wait to read this one. Thanks for making this a spoiler free show since this one just came out!!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  4. since i am such a name nut and i love to hunt through google for stuff, i decided to go on a bit of a quest about Andira–it is, just from a few cursory pokes at websites, the name of a character in an anime series and the name of a flowering plant found in the tropical Americas. it’s actually quite a lovely shade of pink (think darker pink, not pastel).

    One of the things I love most about reading sci-fi and fantasy, though, is seeing names that feel almost familiar, especially on aliens, because it is an instant connection to them, their language, and even, in small part, their culture.

    I can’t wait to sit down and give Outcaste a read. Good characters far outweigh my need for gooey romance–though I’m still a sucker for a happy ending 😉

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