This episode was pretty mellow. Our featured books, Rebeccah and the Highwayman by Barbara Davies and Wolfsbane Winter by Jane Fletcher, were good. How could they not be? Both authors are great storytellers. Here are links to where you can get more info: and
The Italian Apple Martini was very good, especially after we were about 1/2 done with the first one! Here’s how you make it:
3/4 oz Amaretto Di Saronno® liqueur
1 1/2 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
3/4 oz Stoli® Vanil vodka
1 splash Rose’s® lime juice
1 splash cranberry juice
Pour all into iced shaker tin, shake until tin is cold to the touch and strain into martini glass. Garnish with lime wheel, and serve.
We chatted a bit about the Cocktail Hour Writing Challenge and clarified that authors retain their ownership of the stories but authorize us to use them for the purposes of the challenge. We’ve got our judging team in place and have decided that the 1st place winner will receive a cash prize (amount yet to be determined – but it’ll be more than $5.50)
2 responses to “Episode 23 – Barbara Davies and Jane Fletcher”
Please may you feature/interview Fingersmith/LT Smith on a future show? Just read ‘Beginnings’ and it’s among my fave FF’s ever now.
Thankyoukindly and such
I love her work!! We’ll see what we can do.
Great suggestion!