What could be a better way to celebrate the beginning of the third year of Cocktail Hour than having one of our favorite authors on to talk about her work? Having a delish cocktail, too! We have it all for this episode, dear listeners. The prolific D. Jordan Redhawk joins me and Andy to talk about three of her books: Iditarod (soon to be published under the title Broken Trails), Tiopa Ki Lakota, and Strange Path. Be sure to check out her website for links and much more information: http://djordanredhawk.com. And here’s a link to check out D. Jordan Redhawk’s books for sale.
In addition to some great conversation, be warned that Redhawk doesn’t talk much, we have a set of the first three of the Sanguire series up for grabs. One lucky listener will win paperback copies, personalized by the author. All you have to do is leave a comment with your favorite work by Redhawk or the reason why you’ve not read any of her work. Easy peasy, right?! We thought so, too.
Here’s the cocktail you need to mix up right quick. Be sure to have it ready to sip on while you listen. I had a double and so should you! Here at Cocktail Hour, we strive to bring you just a bit more than your standard podcast. We like you to feel like you’re a part of the show, so see if you and I become tipsy at the same time!
Kodiac Sled Dog
1 oz Irish Creme
1 oz Canadian Whiskey
1 oz Hazelnut Liqueur
1 oz Coffee Liqueur
3 splashes of milk
2 handfuls of ice
Blend everything to a milkshake consistency.
We hope you enjoy the show and Andy and I look forward to many more years together, bringing you info on books, fics, and authors. Happy anniversary!
39 responses to “Episode 50 – D. Jordan Redhawk”
I wants free books! If I have to guess when Cheri is tipsy, how about minute 33?
Keep listening – you have to post about Redhawk’s books. And I don’t think it really started hitting until much later but I may have to listen more closely.
I haven’t read any Redhawk because I am a little bitch. I want to read the published Tiopa but I have to peel my e-reader out of my little bitch hands
I appreciate your honesty. Good luck!
I have to agree with Andy that as soon as I read Tiopa Ki Lakota it immediately went to my top 10 favorites- for me top 5. I’ve read Warlord Metal and Castle Walls, but Tiopa beats most every book hands down! Iditarod/Broken Trails sounds awesome with another wonderful setting with nature factoring in just as much as the internal struggle. Have to say, though, that every time I hear Iditarod, I think of Ellen Degeneres skit written into her first book. The Sanguire series sounds fascinating and I would love to be entered into a drawing to get the set. Glad to know there is a glossary in there! Wonderful interview!! Thanks for loving us so much! Listener choice- “The Ripper’s Daughter” would be dark and mysterious.
Thanks for the comment – and the suggestion!!
Best of luck in the drawing!
Sorry to say I’ve not read Redhawk for the simple fact that I never heard of her before listening to this show. Oops. Have to remedy that right away.
Suggestions: have you guys discussed Jodi Picoult’s Sing You Home? I recently read that one and loved it.
That’s a great reason! And a great suggestion. I’ve been wanting to read something by Picoult.
Thanks and good luck in the drawing!
I may have first read “Only One” one day when I was legitimately employed by a university in the 90’s. That was a day when the company masquerading as a school lost a full day’s work from me. It was the first Redhawk work I’d ever read. Before then, I’d read Bat Morda and Missy Good and very few others of what was to become a huge x-verse.
I remember that I started reading it about 9:30 in the morning and by 10 A.M., I had locked my office door, forwarded my phone and setup my auto-reply for my email.
At lunch, I called my wife and told her I had to work through lunch – but I was reading. Reading and believing, I should say. I was (and it was Redhawks fault) for the first time, falling in love with a girl named Ricky, who I knew was a fictitious character but I found myself doodling her name on the cover of my business reports for the next few weeks…
A couple of months ago, I went back and fell in love with Ricky all over again.
And that’s the best thing I can say about any writer, yeah?
Wow! I need to go read that one!
Thanks for the comment and good luck in the drawing!
Gova, that is an awesome story. Thank you!
Hey, Wow! Great show! This is the first time I’ve listened in
And it was fun! Love Redhawk’s books, too. I have two favorites — Iditarod, which I’ve read twice, and am looking forward to the published version, and Warlord Metal, which I love at least partly cuz there aren’t enough books about metal bands, and chicks in metal bands that aren’t only the lead singer! Peace out!
MB – good luck in the drawing!
I know I speak for Andy when I say, we’re so happy you gave us a listen and we hope you come back and listen to some of the other episodes.
I’ve read most of what Redhawk has written, and it was good. I’ll read what she’ll write in the future and I suspect that it will be good too. But the first was Tiopa Ki Lakota and as many others it shot up into my top ten list right away. Great writing, great characters. And from the “really don’t know anything big about the Native American culture” perspective it felt well researched. Add to the fact that it was long, the story was well paced and developed naturally, plus the fact that it contained a love destined to be (Always a sure way to hook me to a story) all served to make it to the top. It has suffered through several re-reads and will suffer through a few more in the future. I can go on and on about it, but I think I’ll leave it alone by simply saying this: That’s how you write a good book.
Thanks for the comment and best of luck in the drawing!
I really enjoyed the show! Congrats on moving into your third year!
I think my favorite Redhawk book is Tiopa Ki Lakota, I read this one or two times a year. And Iditerod comes in a close second. I am looking forward to the published version and all the extra angst! The new series sounds good and I haven’t read any of them (I am way behind in all my books!) and they do sound like a terrific new take on the sanguine. As for readers choice, I can’t remember if you have already talked about the When Women Were Warriors series by Catherine M Wilson, or the ST: Voyager series by Fletcher Delancey, both excellent series. An interesting story was Heart Stopper by RJ Samuel which takes place in Ireland. Another I read once a year is And Playing The Role Of Herself by KE Lang, also Conflict of Interest by Jae.
Please do add me to the drawing! I would love to get the books
Thanks Ladies,
Marie – thanks for the kind words about the show!
We haven’t talked about When Women Were Warriors or Heart Stopper so I’ll definitely note those. We did have shows discussing the first story in the ST:Voyager series by Delancey, And Playing the Role of Herself, and Jae was a guest to discuss her books. Not that we would be upset to talk about any of those again. Thanks for the suggestions!!
Best of luck on the drawing!
Really enjoyed the show. Like Andy, I go back at least once a year and reread Tiopa Ki Lakota and Iditerod. She is a great story teller. Haven’t bought her latest since money has been tight.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for listening, Pat! Good luck in the drawing!
Tiopa Ki Lakota is one of the best books I’ve read. I love the historical aspect to the story.
Thanks for entering, Linda. Good luck!
Cheri, I don’t think you really sound sloshed until about an hour in. So that’s good going
I read the online version of Tiopa and am now wishing it had been the published one – except for the edited Sundance, because that was one of the bits I liked best in the unedited version.
Thanks, Ferox! I thought I did well with 8 oz of alcohol.
Good luck in the drawing!
First, I really enjoy listening to “tipsy cheri.” I went back and listened to Episode 10 again before listening to this episode, now that I’ve read my first Redhawk book, the online version of Tiopa Ki Lakota.
By the way, Andy, it’s interesting that in episode 10 you say it’s as if Anpo has “two souls,” since the words adopted by some Native Americans to replace the problematic term “berdache” is “two-spirit.”
It’s a short passage, but one of my favorite moments in Tiopa Ki Lakota is after Anpo has courted Kathleen and they are wrapped in the blanket while others turn politely away, and the couple talk with each other… this moment of intimacy in the midst of their community…
Next up will be Iditerod, the online version.
Thanks for listening, Nancy Jean, and I hope you enjoy Iditarod. Good luck in the drawing!
Iditarod. Dogs, snow and a romantic story. What can I want more? Oh right, a SEQUEL! Pretty please!?
I can’t wait to read the new version. It sounds very different for the humans but with the great dog stuff. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait too long for it to be published.
Good luck in the drawing, Alena!
I also have read Tiopa Ki Lakota, it is a wonderful book, I look forward to buying Broken Trails as I have read and love the online version!
Thanks for commenting, LaRae, and best of luck in the drawing!
I only recently heard of her through Goodreads. I read Tiopa ki Lakota on the website and really enjoyed it. I would love to the opportunity to read more of her work.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the drawing!!
I love Redhawk’s books. I think of what I have read, Iditarod is my favorite. I’ve read it five or six times. So far. lol Great writer!
Wannetta – Thanks for your comment. I’m anxious to read the published version! Good luck in the drawing!
Tiopa Ki Lakota is my favorite. Very, very intense from start to finish.
Cheryl – have you read the published version? I enjoy knowing how others compare the two.
Good luck in the drawing!
Only One was my introduction to Ms Redhawk, and remains a favorite. But then I’m a particular fan of “Immortal Xena” stories. When it comes to original fiction, I’m with the majority here…Tiopa Ki Lakota…hands down. I always enjoy being transported into another world, and she did that quite successfully. I look forward to checking out some of her other works. Peace.
Thank you all for entering! I picked the winner this morning and MB Panichi is getting some books.
Congrats and stay tuned for more book give aways!
Congrats…happy reading!