Andy and The Rev talk about Cooking on High by Creme Brulee and The Seduction of Moxie by Colette Moody. We hope you enjoy our first foray into the podcasting arena.
Here’s a link for Colette’s guest spot on Lara Zielinksy’s blogtalkradio show, in case you missed it.
6 responses to “Episode 1 – Colette Moody and Creme Brulee”
Very cool! Can't wait for the next one. Get busy, ladies… we need to know what to read
Collette Moody has a rhythm and flow in her stories that is magnificent. It is like reading music!!!
The one liners are excellent. I laughed out load, many times…
So I was searching for “cooking on high” and searched instead for “cooking with fire”. BOY did I find a naughty one! it’s by Bat Morda and definitely one of those don’t read @ work or while operating heavy machinery or listen to it while driving (that was my mistake!)
Thanks for providing the link! After reading the disclaimers, I grabbed it and will be loading it up on the reader.
Rev – Don’t forget to share…..