Conversations at the Bar – Jove Belle

Andy and I had a great time shooting the shit with Jove Belle about all sorts of things. Even though I was moderately inebriated by the end of the show, I remember having fun and laughing a lot. I also remember having to defend The Bearded Clam Challenge. Don’t fear The Clam!!

I know you’ll enjoy hearing Jove talking about her books and Women and Words and other stuff, too! As an added incentive to listen, as if you really need one, she’s offered to give a book to one of you and all you need to do is leave a comment here. Easy peasy! Have your comment posted no later than April 19th and we’ll announce the winner on the episode we record on the 20th.

You can catch up with Jove Belle on her website,, and Women and Words,

Click here to check out Jove’s books!

33 responses to “Conversations at the Bar – Jove Belle”

  1. Quite the giggling love fest. Entertaining, ladies! 🙂

    I’ve read Chaps and Indelible. Both were enjoyable! I’m looking forward to Love & Devotion too. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book, Jove!

    • Jove was the Roman king of the gods (AKA Jupiter). Zeus was the Greek counterpart. That, however, is not where my name came from. My name is a combination of my grandmother’s and my mom’s name. My grandmother’s name was Josie = Jo, and my mom’s first name was Velma (but she went by Ilene) = ve. Jove. I love saying and hearing it, too. It’s a fun name!

      Thanks for checking in today! Good luck in the drawing!

  2. Awesome!! Love the Cicktail Hour…everyone always has soooo much fun at the bar! This show was no different!!

    I’ve yet to read any of your books, but I love the covers. Not sure which I’d pick…think I’d leave the choice up to you.

    Oh…the breakdown you did on your name is awesome. How very clever was she. A wonderful namesake. The mythology tie in is pretty cool too…lol!!

    Thanks for all the above and beyond you do…the blog, hootenanny, bsb info…it keeps us all in the know.

    Cheers!! Terry.

  3. I read Chaps recently and really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more of your work very soon!

  4. Enjoyed it and might just pick up Edge of Darkness, as I haven’t read any of yours yet, Jove! Also, one of our favorite games is travelling through the country and guessing “Lesbian or Rural”

  5. Fun podcast, everyone! I recently bought Edge of Darkness and this podcast has moved it to the top of my to-read list. 🙂 I also enjoyed your discussion of cover art.

    • Lisa, thanks for listening and joining the conversation. I love talking about all aspects of publishing (it’s crazy complicated), but am especially awed by good cover art. I have total respect for the talent it takes to come up with a good, compelling cover.

      Hope you enjoy Edge of Darkness and good luck in the drawing!

  6. I loved “Edge of Darkness” and “Split the Aces” was fun. Please tell me that your bio in the new book says “I Rock”

    • Cheyenne, I’d already sent in the front and back matter by the time I’d received your stellar advice. I don’t know that I could get away with just saying “I rock.” But I’m thinking maybe my acknowledgements next time should say “The following people rock…” What do you think?

  7. Very cool that you had two Women and Words contributors in a row on the podcast. I can only imagine how much coordinating the Hootenanny took. But I am sure all that will be forgotten by August and you’ll decide to do one again this year. Right? Right!

    • Odds are pretty high that we’ll do it again. Andi and I haven’t discussed it since last year, but we both brought it up on Cocktail Hour independent of one another, so I think it’s safe to say we’re both thinking about it. But I’m not ready to start compiling a list of authors just yet. 🙂

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