Conversations at the Bar with Layce Gardner & Saxon Bennett

Andy and I had double the fun with our guests Layce Gardner and Saxon Bennet on this episode of Conversations at the Bar. Saxon didn’t say much but Layce did lay down some pretty strict rules for her to follow so that may have had something to do with it. The rest of us let the F Bomb fly while we talked about all sorts of stuff.

Layce and Saxon make a pretty damn big announcement here, too, so be sure to listen!

Just in case you didn’t have enough incentive to listen closely, one lucky listener will win their choice of one of Layce’s books AND one of Saxon’s books! All you have to do is count how many times Layce says the word “fuck” or a form of “fuck.” I’m going to count them, too, and whoever gets what I get, or the closest to what I get, will win two books! Totally fucking cool, right?! Listen, count, and post your answer in the comments section for this post no later than May 3rd to win!

And remember, if you enjoy something you read, feed the bards! Everyone needs a little lovin’.

Prison of Secrets – Written by Layce Gardner

29 responses to “Conversations at the Bar with Layce Gardner & Saxon Bennett”

  1. Hi!
    Omg loved this conversation at the bar! I was laughing so much 😀 totally made my day,
    Layce you are so funny! I would love for you to do a reading of one of Saxon’s books, as I loved the one you did of yours 🙂
    Can’t wait till a perfect romance comes out in Ebook in the UK, as I’m a big kindle user.
    I will have to listen to this podcast again tho to count how many you use the F word LOL 😀

  2. Doing this show was so much fun! Andy and The Rev are now two of my favorite people. C’mon, Carrie, enter a number – I want to send some books your way! xoxox

    • Andy and I will eagerly await your next visit. We had a blast! But you’ve got to get Bobbie Jo sobered up before the next recording. Or maybe read a note from her or something.

  3. Okay…I’m getting four “f-bombs” as well!
    This show was a fricken hoot!! You all are an absolute riot to listen to….Thanks so much for making the day. Looking forward to reading the combined book…sounds interesting.
    Just an idea…Bobbi Jo meets Bearded Clam, while hanging out with the Biatch at the Cocktail Hour…..just saying…lol!!
    Cheers!! 🙂

  4. YAY to a joint book from you both.

    I count:
    – 4 fucks from Layce
    – 3 times the chair
    – numerous poop references
    and 21 times Cheri mentioning The Bearded Clam Competition 😛

    • There ya go!!….Bobbie Jo meets Bearded Clam in rehab. They later discover they both had a fling with the charismatic owner of The Cocktail Hour. LOL!!

  5. Well I counted 4 f-bombs myself and I now have images of Gary Beusy stuck in my head……Have not had the pleasure of reading your works yet but look forward to it!!!!

  6. Ok I totally forgot about this competition! So I’m glad I remembered it now,
    I count 4 f-bombs from layce 🙂 was great to listen to it again

  7. I so wish that I had time right now to listen because I know it would provide a good laugh, but I can’t miss a chance to win a Layce Gardner or Saxon Bennett book! So if it’s ok to enter without having listened yet, I would love to end my week on a fun note!

  8. Well, the answer is 4 and it would be nice to read a couple of authors that I haven’t had the chance to yet! Keeping my fingers crossed!

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