Conversations at the Bar – Lynette Mae Wants to Donate!

Author and veteran Lynette Mae spoke with Andy and me about the release of the second edition of her novel, Faithful Service, Silent Hearts. Lynette is doing something extra special with the release of her book, she’s donating $1.00 of every purchase to a charity focusing on veterans. She’s got a couple good leads on organizations but is really looking for one focused specifically on lesbian veterans.

You can help make this happen by posting here about any organizations you know of that fit the bill. You can help even more buy buying the book. If you already own it, buy one for a gift! I’m buying one to give away to one of you wonderfully generous listeners and Lynette is kicking a copy in, too. So that’s two copies up for grabs and all you have to do is spread the word. Post a comment letting us know that you’ve shared a link to the show or that you’ve shared Lynette, or my reshare, of the call for info.

Here’s a link to Lynette’s post on Facebook:

You can pick up a copy of the book from Amazon, or from Sapphire Books. No matter where you buy it, you can feel good that you’re doing something to help others.

All comments posted by May 3rd will be eligible for the drawing.

9 responses to “Conversations at the Bar – Lynette Mae Wants to Donate!”

  1. I posted and shared Lynette’s post on FB! Would love to win this book and really do love what Lynette and Sapphire books is doing! I think it’s great how they are giving back with each sale! Thanks for the chance to win!
    big hugs, k

  2. Hey Lyn,

    It’s Dutch. I put comments on the FB post. I am still looking for organizations. Outserve and AMPA are the closest so far for the LGBT community. There are a bunch geared at women in general and I had the pleasure of meeting some of the vets in DC a few years ago when I was TDY, temporary duty for you civilian folks. When I retire I hope to help advocate some of the issues faced by lesbians and women in general in the military. I look forward to the new book. I read the original and of course Devon rocks! Take care.

  3. Thank you Lynette! What a great idea! I want to support Lesbian vets, too. I haven’t found an organization devoted to this group – I am a part of. I am starting a blog, offering coaching and wanting to speak at events on this topic to bring awareness to our issues. If you have any ideas I would love to hear about them! Meanwhile – buying your book today!

    • Thanks, Marie! If you’re on FB, please send me a friend request. We are building a community of lesbian veterans in order to support and eventually tell the unique stories of lesbian military service throughout the decades, and those currently serving. We’d love to have you on board.

  4. Hi Lynette,
    We love both of your books! Bought them as ebooks.
    I listened to the show and I would like to also support Lesbian vets also. I’m already supporting Wounded warriors but like the idea of helping Lesbian vets.
    Have you had any feedback on any organizations?
    My wife and I would like to thanks you( and all the other folks) who put your lives on the line everyday.
    Thank you so much… It is not enough but that is all I have.
    Take care and be safe,

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