Bar Rag – Isabella and the Left Coast Lesbian Conference

Award winning author Isabella stopped by to give us all sorts of great information about the upcoming Left Coast Lesbian Conference taking place in Palm Springs, CA, the weekend of October 9th – 13th. You can get loads of information about the sessions, registration, and more by going to the main Left Coast Lesbian Conference site:
Check out the LCLC’s Facebook page to keep up to date on all the happenings!

Because Isabella is awesome, she’s offered up 3 copies of any of her books for you, our lovely listeners. That’s right! Your choice of ebook or signed paperback of her newest release, American Yakuza II (The Lies that Bind), or any of her other titles. All you have to do is leave a comment with what you’d like to see at a lesbian conference. Easy, right? Post your comments no later than July 26th to be eligible to win.

If you decide to participate in the LCLC, be sure to find Nancy Jean and get a Cocktail Hour or Bearded Clam button or magnet!

Andy and me talking to Isabella at GCLS. She's TALL!
Andy and me talking to Isabella at GCLS. She’s TALL!

21 responses to “Bar Rag – Isabella and the Left Coast Lesbian Conference”

  1. I want to see Cheri & Andy performing as dancing bar girls please! And I want AY #3 as my book if I win!! (I’m guessing neither of those things is going to happen.) We already have plans for this October but we are seriously considering the LCLC for next year. Will be following developments with great interest, thanks!

  2. 1 hour and 12 minutes according to Google maps- Ontario airport to the Casitas Laquita. I think Allison is on to something with the dancing bar girls….But maybe a morning walk/run/swim with an author. I do like that there is a comedian participating this year. And the idea of including movies would be pretty cool- have a lesbian movie showing maybe one that won some type of award that current year or something.

    • And after an enlightening conversation with Beth on FB it sounds like having the sharing session with Isabella made public would be a hit. Especially if there were pedicures and hair brushing included.

  3. I’d love to see my butt there in attendance, having a blast with everyone. Sadly this won’t be the case. So, a signed copy of AY or AY2 by Isabella would sure make me feel better. 😉
    As for those attending…have a GREAT time! Cheers!!

  4. i’d love to attend but it’s a bit out of the way 🙂
    got the kindle versions but wouldn’t mind a paper one

  5. I’ve already purchased the all-access registration, woot! And I am planning on some new buttons and magnets just for LCLC. Special edition, y’all.

  6. Also, some thoughts on travel: For the love of cats, do NOT fly into LAX. However, I am a big fan of Ontario, CA’s airport, as mentioned on the podcast, and it is about 1.5 hours from Palm Springs right down I-10. ONT is also a Southwest Airlines airport, so you can get cheap flights.

  7. And… a suggestion before I forget: Maybe the conference organizers can purchase an easy-to-remember URL like that redirects people to ?? It’s only $10 to $17 to reserve the URL. I do this all the time for our conferences, using, which has great customer service.

    I actually found finding info on LCLC to be a little confusing, even doing google searching, so this might help others.

  8. I’d like to see my Butt there with yours Terry Fountain, but if your not going guess I’m not going either…lol So make me feel better too!! Winning a book would definately do it!!

    • Okay….the deal is if I win I’ll let you read my copy and visa-a-versa. Since we can’t play in Palm Springs.

  9. I think I agree with the people that wish they would be there. I would like to see me there, but no chance of me going to the west coast any time soon. Enjoy your conference.

  10. […] Oh, yeah! Cocktail Hour Productions hosted author Isabella at the Bar Rag (posted July 9 or thereabouts), where she talked about her writing and the upcoming Left Coast Lesbian Fiction Conference. That’s in October in Palm Springs, people. Have a listen to the rag for deets. […]

  11. Hi Girls, I’d like to see (if possible) for those attending the conference a 5% discount on books being sold there. ((Just an idea)). 😉
    And any book is fine, Isabella is a great author. And yes, she’s tall too! LOL

  12. I’d like to see books, books and more books. Also, I wouldn’t mind running into Nancy and her awesome buttons. I think they were a genius promotion idea!

    The idea about the conference discount is great!

  13. I would love to see me a lesbian conference! 🙂 maybe one year,

    I agree with what Isabella said, that editors should receive awards to! They do a great job so they should be recognised for their work. I know they get mentions in the authors acknowledgments so it would be nice to see them getting awards.

    I would love a signed paperback of AY1 it’s my favourite book 😀

  14. I also won’t be attending the conference, but it sounds cool! Good luck with your planning. As a reader what I’d like at such a conference would be to hear from writers about their books and writing processes.

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