My very favorite guest co-host, Megan Cooper, joined me and the lovely and fabulous Lynn Ames to talk about her books, the many jobs she’s had in her short 29 years, and angels, among other things. I feel confident in saying that we all had a wonderful time. I know you’ll enjoy it.
Lynn has generously offered up three signed copies of her books for you, our fantastic listeners. All you need to do is leave a comment letting us know what your favorite book of Lynn’s is and if you’ve not read any yet, why the hell not. Leave your comments no later than October 4th and we’ll announce the winners on the Cocktail Hour show that we’ll be recording on the 5th. Good luck and a huge “thank you!” to Lynn for spending some time with us and giving away her books!
You can keep up with Lynn by visiting her website: and you can buy her books or download samples from her publishing company, Phoenix Rising Press (, or if you’re a diehard Amazon buyer click here.

56 responses to “Conversations at the Bar – Lynn Ames”
Do I get to be the first greedy listener to leave a comment? LOL! Great interview as always. I never know what to expect from any of you. Always good for some laughs and you surely did not disappoint. Cheri, thanks for the segue into the angel discussion, because Lynn answered some of the very questions I had been wondering about.
As for my very favorite Lynn Ames book, it would have to be The Price of Fame. While I loved the whole Kate and Jay series, the first book is by far my favorite. I loved the introduction to all the characters, the reuniting of Kate and Jay. The instant “jump” into the action kept me on the edge of my seat. One of the cool things for me was the morning exercise routine during Charlie’s Angels, which was one of my all time favorite shows.
Cheers to All!
Hey Lori. Thanks for listening! So, who was YOUR favorite angel?
I loved this show! As always it was extremely entertaining ๐
Lynn I have to say it sounds like you have had a fascinating life, and I really loved the angel discussion, ๐ I have always been interested in them and I’m not a religious person so its nice to know you don’t associate angels with religion.
Ok confession, I have not read any of Lynn’s books yet, but Cheri you know I suck at finding time to read! ๐ now I have more books to add to my ever growing list dammit! Especially the ones that make you cry! I have to check them out, I love it when books can bring out that emotion in readers. I also used to be one of these readers that equated lots of sex scenes with romance, but I don’t do that any more! ๐ I no longer get disappointed if there isn’t any in a book I read.
As for this being an age appropriate show, ha! not with Cheri’s swearing ๐
Megan you were hilarious! I think you should be on regularly ๐
So looking forward to the next show!
Ah, the infamous Gooch! Nice to “virtually” meet you. Thanks for listening and I’m so glad you enjoyed the show! If you want to cry, read Eyes on the Stars first. Just ask Megan. LOL.
Haha infamous! I like that ๐ oh I will be sure to read that book first! ๐
Lori, congrats on being the first greedy listener to comment!! Giving stuff away is so much fun and I love that so many of you enter.
Thank you for the kind words and best of luck in the drawing!
GOOCH!! We’re working on getting Megan on a lot more. She’s wonderful and always has insightful things to say. And the girls.
Must not forget the girls. Great show everybody!
Yay! thats great news! Megan rocks! ๐
I mean, who can forget the girls! ๐
Gooch … the girls were tucked away under flannel and a hoodie. ๐
Aww poor Cheri! Will she ever get to see the girls again? ๐
Thanks, Nikki! I’m thinking maybe if I do a good enough job, someday I’ll earn myself a dragon. Sigh. Someday…
Ha! They’re always after me lucky dragons….
It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day. Can you come up with a comment as a pirate?
I could just add Arrrrrrrr to the end.
Ha! It’s funny you should say that, because I just finished listening to an old cocktail hour show, Merry Shannon’s one and that was about pirates! How weird is that! ๐
I’ve read most of Lynn’s books. I still have a few on my wish list. I just finished All That Lies Within. Fantastic story so right now that is my favorite. Till I pick up my next one and that one I’m sure will grab me as all of her others have.
Aww. That’s very sweet, Donna. So, what’s on your wish list?
I have read all of Lynn’s books and would love to win a copy of one that I have in eBook form. Love listing to Cocktail Productions .
Thanks for all your support, Sherry!
Hey everyone! I’m not sure if anyone can help out with this but a fan of Lynn’s has asked for a transcript of this show. There’s just no way I can do this but I’m wondering if any of you may be able to help out. Can you?
Hello, I hope any of you can help out to type the transcript this part between Lynn and Cheri the Rev..because I do not have my hearing..Of course I am a fan of Lynn’s and want to know what she was saying during the interview. Thank you.
A friend was super generous and typed it up. I’ll be sending it on in the next few hours.
Oh, thank you so is greatly appreciated.. I look forward reading it..Again, thank you ๐
I really enjoyed the show! You all are just so easy going and so much fun…had me laughing right along with you all. ๐
It’s amazing to hear just what all someone can accomplish by the time they reach the ripe old age of 29…LOL!! Remarkable!! ๐ And, I’ll probably never see Connie Chung in the same light again…
Really loved the entire Angel conversation. I find it all very interesting, and even though I’ve heard Lynn speak about them before, I never cease to pick up another new fascet of knowledge. You and Megan asked some brilliant questions, and have me now thinking of even more. Thanks for that!
I’ve only read Lynn’s books from the romance side of the house, along with a couple other compilations. I look forward to reading them all! It might take this dyslexic one a little longer than most, and sometimes I might need to read them a few times for better retention, but I’ll get to them all…no worries!! ๐
Thanks to all three of you for ending my evening with lots of laughter. Watch out for those invisible planes….LOL!!
Cheers!! ๐
Dang… forgot to name my favorite. Would have to be Eyes on the Stars!! ๐
Hi Terry,
Thanks for listening! So glad you enjoyed the show. The invisible plane is in the hangar for the moment, so no worries there.
Good show, I have not read any of Lynn’s books, but it seems after I listen to one of your shows on here, I end up with another author to add to my to read list.
Enjoyed the talk on the angels and wanted to ask Lynn a question. Lynn have you ever had the good fortune to meet or speak with someone who recognizes themselves as a sixth sensory?
Hi Amy,
Thanks for listening to the show! I look forward to your feedback after you’ve had a chance to read some of my books. I’m not sure what you mean when you call someone a “sixth sensory.” Anyone, like me, who is a medium and a psychic has a sixth sense. In fact, we ALL have a sixth sense. It’s just that some of us are more sensitive than others, and for some, that sense is better developed than for others. Please clarify what you mean by the term and I’ll happily answer the question.
Lynn, I know a woman who acknowledges herself as a sixth sensory in the fact that she speaks to deceased people on the other side. Where you speak to angels, so you both would be considered sixth sensory. But from what you spoke about you speak to angels about future an d the sixth sensory I know speak to deceased people about past.
Ah. Thanks for the clarification, Amy. Your friend is describing being a “medium,” someone who communicates with those who have passed over. I am also, in that case, a sixth sensory, meaning I also see dead people. The difference is, in addition to dead people, I also communicate and get information from the angels. Our loved ones who pass over vibrate lower than angels. Think of it like a tuning fork. Our deceased loved ones are lower, slower vibrations and angels are faster, higher frequency vibrations. Does that help? Often in a reading, a deceased loved one will also stop by to offer information or just to say hello. ๐
Lol my first post didn’t take. Lynn I loved the show and your friends. Lynn I wanted u to know that our lil conversation. A few weeks back about our soulmates u remember. Mine died Lynn u no when all this happened. To me backthen I didn’t no who to talk to about all the experiences I was going through girl I talked to pastors and even fortune tellers trying to figure. Out what was going on but Lynn u and only u seemed to know exactly what I was going through and I thank u so much I read every book u write. You are the best and if u an I could talk a few minutes the things I’ve seen would blow your. Mind but I feel n know you would know what it all means about our angles lol you could write a best seller on my life.. but plz. Never stop writing u give me alot to look forward to I thank u so my h an I praise you..keep up your good work my friend an if u ever get a few mins. To talk to me then I’m sure I’ll answer all my questions..I love what u ladies have don.te you’re. The best ever to me thank u very much Lynn.
You ladies made me smile so much during your show and Lynn uve. Helped me understand so much and I have still alot to tell u if u have the time my friend…
So glad you enjoyed the show. Thanks for listening!
Lynn writes books? I thought she just posted on FB. Just kidding – I really enjoy her writing. As for a favorite….hum…. All That Lies Within…no, maybe Eyes on the Stars….well then again, could be One~Love…..geez…who can pick one???? Keep writing Lynn…they are all my favorites!!
Smart ass. Because it’s your birthday, I’ll give you a pass. Tomorrow is another story.
Have read all of Lynn’s books and have her on my short list of favorite authors. Like all of them but probably Eyes on the Stars best since I am a Korean War vet and have a special place in my heart for those women who served under very difficult circumstances.
Hi Sue. Thank you for your service! And thank you for reading and listening. Ask Megan–I think she liked Eyes on the Stars best too. I think she secretly enjoys crying. ๐
Thoroughly enjoyed the show. I have already ordered my 1st Lynn Ames book {All That Lies within} and anxiously awaiting it now. Loved the sense of humor of all 3 ladies. Angels discussion was great. Thanks for a lovely end to my night.
Thanks for listening and for the lovely comments, Kaige! I’d be shocked if your book didn’t arrive today–with an “old” bookmark in it.
It did in fact come today Lynn. Unfortunately they left it on doorstep & it was lightly raining so it’s damp. I’m letting it dry out now, good thing it wasn’t pouring! I can’t wait to get started on it…as soon as it’s dry enough. I kind of felt like a little kid on Christmas morning while opening it. I mean getting my 1st Lynn Ames book & signed to boot…Christmas wish list…CHECK! LOL
Eyes on the Stars is the book I would most like to read of Lynn’s. I’m awaiting the chance to read it soon! I love the historical romance nature of it. I’m a historical romance lover. I would love to get an autographed copy of it! And I must say….the banter was quite entertaining!
Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening, Onamarae!
Great show! Having admittedly not read your books before, at the Con you recommended All That Lies Within to this old romantic. And it was a fantastic read. Anxious to read more!
Thanks for taking a chance on my work, RJ. I’m so glad you loved it. And thanks for listening.
I enjoyed the show. It was interesting to hear about Lynn’s career before she turned to writing full time. I haven’t read any of Lynn’s books yet, but they are on my list. ๐
Hi, Lisa. Thanks for listening. I’m glad I’m on your list. ๐
Fascinating show! It was great to hear about some of the different careers Lynn has had. Between the stories there and the angels discussion, I don’t think any of the listeners would have minded if the show went on for two hours instead of just one.
Admittedly, I have not read any of Lynn’s books, yet. I’ve had Eyes on the Stars on my to-read list for quite some time, but just haven’t got to it. I will make one of Lynn’s books a priority on my read list!
Hi, Lisa. Thanks for listening. I hope you enjoy Eyes on the Stars!
I very much enjoyed the show. Lynn you have had quite a history! I am fascinated with the speaking with Angels. I am not a religious person either, but I do find spirituality interesting. I have had a soul retrieval done, and follow some shamanism. It would be interesting to have you write a book about your work w/ angels in a non fiction form. I have to admit I haven’t read any of your work, but I will rectify that shortly. My reading time has been reduced significantly lately, but i will work on reading one of yours sooner then later.
Hi Marie,
Thanks for reading. And thanks for listening!
I can’t imagine a Lynn Ames Book That I Wouldn’t Cherish. Nit to nention Read so often I couldv Quote whole pages of Dialogue!!
Aww. Thanks, Sam. That’s very sweet!
Lyn my wish list has Beyond Instinct and Eyes On The Stars….
Great interview, Lynn. It’s a little hard to choose a favorite of your books, but I’d say my favorite is
the latest, All That Lies Within. I look forward to the next one.
Good show. Enjoyed the Angel’s conversation. I’ve read most of Lynn’s books. Really loved the Kate and Jay series as well as the Mission Classified series. Lynn, I find your “conspiracy theory” more believable than any people have actually believed over the last fifty years. Also loved Eyes on the Stars tho it was a more difficult read, too sad. But I think I would have to say One Love was my favorite, until I read All that Lies Within. That is a really great book. Please keep writing as I know I’m not the only one waiting for your next one.
Andy and Rev, thanks for what you do. I’m really glad I stumbled onto this site.