Episode 75 – Barbara Ann Wright

Author and YouTube star, Barbara Ann Wright, joined Andy and me last night to chat for a bit about her wonderful books, The Pyramid Waltz and For Want of a Fiend. We had a very fun time and we hope you enjoy it, too!

Barbara is offering up a couple of her books – winner’s choice – for you, our fabulous listeners! All you need to do is post a comment telling us which of her books is your favorite and if you’ve not read any, why the hell not. You can also leave a comment with your suggestion for Barbara’s next YouTube video subject. Either one – or both – of those will get you entered to win. Post your comment no later than October 4th and we’ll pick the winners on our next show. Good luck!

Now, give a listen to the show and then check out the embedded videos below. They’re awesome! Barbara really captures Andy’s true essence.

Click here to download a sample or buy The Pyramid Waltz or For Want of a Fiend. You can even get a peek at what the next book will cover over at Amazon. But don’t look at A Kingdom Lost until you’re done with For Want of a Fiend! You don’t want spoilers, do you??

Be sure to keep up with what’s going on in Barbara’s world at her website: http://barbaraannwright.wordpress.com/

Trailer for The Pyramid Waltz

Trailer for For Want of a Fiend

Cocktail Hour Blooper Reel!

7 responses to “Episode 75 – Barbara Ann Wright”

  1. Wooo!!! Thanks for picking my number, Barbara!

    The trailer videos are awesome. I remember seeing the one for Rachel’s book a while back. The cocktail hour trailer is hilarious!

    I haven’t dove into reading fantasy lesfic books yet, but with such good comments from Andy and Rev, I will add The Pyramid Waltz to my list. 🙂

  2. Another hilarious show as I knew it would be, the YouTube videos are freaking awesome I love the cocktail hour blooper real 🙂 it was pretty accurate 😛

    Barbara I have wanted to read your books ever since I saw you on Carson taites video log, Cheri knows how bad I am with finding time to read! But now I have text to speech on my kindle, thank you very much Rev! I will be able to get more done, 🙂 your books are on my never ending TBR list!

    Can’t wait for the next show, I will be expecting the crickets! 😀

  3. The trailers and video for Cocktail Hour are hilarious! It was fun listening to you guys trying not to give anything away in the books! I look forward to reading both. Love the show!

  4. I loved the pyramid waltz. I have always been a fan of paranormal stories and this one sucked me in. You are a very good writer and I can’t wait to read more of your work

  5. I enjoyed the show. I have a copy of The Pyramid Waltz on my bookshelf waiting to be read. Sorry I haven’t gotten to it yet. 🙂 I’ll have to get a copy of For Want of a Fiend and I’m glad to hear that the next books in the series are in the works. I agree that once you get into a series it’s nice to be able to read the books back-to-back.

  6. Barbara, I thoroughly enjoyed “Pyramid Waltz” and bought its sequel after listening to this wonderfully entertaining podcast. As Sheri and Andy mentioned, your humor is a wonderful element that has an anticipatory aspect all of its own, and I look forward to the next giggle even as I’m drawn by the other plot features.
    I found your insights about the “ease” (my word and definitely inadequate), on writing sequels after setting the scene in the initial story, to be fascinating. Thank you!
    Might I suggest video vignettes of GCLS events such as pretzel diving, and/or solos about tushes?
    Thanks for sharing your creativity with us

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