Episode 76 – Susan X. Meagher

The-Reunion-final-9-19-front-coverThis time around we’re talking about Susan’s upcoming book, The Reunion. It’s out in a couple weeks – October 21st – but you get to hear about it here FIRST! This is a no spoiler show so listen and enjoy. And be sure to listen to the very end for a special dedication to one of our favorite people.

If after you listen and you’re interested in winning a copy, leave a comment answering the question “Who Would You Fuck?” in regard to Susan’s characters. There are a LOAD of them so there should be someone for everyone! Get your comments posted no later than October 18th and we’ll have Rachel Spangler pick the winners.

If you can’t wait to win a copy, or want to keep your choice for WWYF a secret, you can order a copy by going to this link: http://www.briskpress.com/catalog.html

Take care, read a great book or two, and we’ll catch you again soon!

34 responses to “Episode 76 – Susan X. Meagher”

  1. When you posed this question and gave us a choice of Meagher books, I went to my favorite that I have read of hers, Almost Heaven and my choice would be Cody Keaton. I so enjoyed the story and her character was awesome.

  2. I have read all of Susan’s published work and alot of them multiple times. I have over 600 ebooks and she is by far the most titles I own by an author.

    If I had to choose one character to do πŸ™‚ I would say Jamie from I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

  3. Like Amy, I almost nominated Cody. However, I’d have to admit I couldn’t say no to Kyle McKenzie from “All that matters” – I’m a sucker for a gentlewoman.
    Susan, thank you for writing so diligently and providing us with hours of entertainment and memorable characters and stimulating plots!

  4. Great show guys.

    Andy and I talked about this yesterday and I kept coming up with multiple names, unable to pin one down. But if it only absolutely HAD to be one: Cody from Almost Heaven.

    Yeah, but Chiara…!!!!

  5. This is such a hard choice! It’s tough to choose from my favorites – which are the same as some of those listed here – Kylie, Cody, or Chiara (all starting with the “ka” sound, hmmm).

    I guess if I have to pick one it would be… Damn it! I need to think on it more. I’m ready to drop Chiara from the list. For now. As long as I don’t re-read The Crush anytime in the next two weeks. Grrr.

  6. Yeah, I loved this show. I’m glad you all liked it too. Susan is such a warm, engaging, and talented woman. We love having her on the show.

    Susan has written some fantastic characters. Seriously, this is a very hard challenge. My first victim….I mean choice of overnight partners would be Dr. Mac, but seriously, would anyone kick Blair out of bed for eating crackers? I think not. I really like many of the choices you’ve expressed here and would gladly clean the glass of my revolving bedroom door for all of them. :).

  7. So many wonderful ladies to pick from… I bet we could pick one from each story that would appeal… But with only one to pick I too pick Cody Keaton. She just got in my head and has stayed there

  8. I would have to say Kylie McKenzie from Ò€œAll that mattersÒ€ although Susan has written a LOT of great characters and I wouldn’t mind any number of them in this fantasy.
    Very much enjoyed the show and winning a book from Barbara! Thanks Susan for picking my number!!

    • I forgot to say that I am really looking forward to “The Reunion”. With all that no spoilers you guys had, I still got enough to be intrigued, which is actually easy with all of Susan’s books! Love them all and it is hard picking a favorite book let alone a favorite pick for WWYF! πŸ™‚

  9. I guess I too would pick Kylie Mackenzie. I love All That Matters!
    Ps, Just bought Almost Heaven but haven’t had a chance to read it yet…

  10. Great show never fails to make me chuckle,if I had to pick just one it would be Katie from The Lies That Bind I like her quirkiness

  11. You guys are a hoot! Great show.
    WWYF…..mmmm I think I would have to go with Kylie too. ATM was one of the first Lesfic novels I read and it is still one of my favs after about 400.

  12. If I had to choose one character to do I would say Ryan from I Found My Heart in San Francisco series. I am reading book 5 right now and wow is she hot in this series… but then there is… πŸ™ damn I can only pick one. πŸ˜‰

    I look forward to the new book Susan.

  13. Everyone of SXM’s books have at least one! Dr. Kylie, Clancy, Abby, Ryan in that order – today. Tomorrow, sigh, another choice. πŸ˜€

  14. Thank you so much for laughs at the very late end of a difficult day. Shouldn’t be commenting now because Rev’s beer and Andy’s sex with Jennifer overloaded my brain! Couldn’t have been the beer I drank.

    Truth Is stranger than fiction, you hit some things really close to home for me that I will not talk about here.

    WWYF SXM? Sorry to admit I’ve not read anything by SXM. Not sure why, but once again cocktailhour and/or Liz McMullen has shown me an author I need to try. I’ve not been disappointed yet so keep up the good work.

    Same people win too many times? Then they should go to Vegas and win big money while continuing to win here!

    Rev, get that cocktail skater to SXM!


    • CW, I’m glad we could help brighten your day. :). Try a little Sex with Jennifer instead of beer for a nice change of pace.

      After Jennifer give Susan a try. (Chuckles) All That Matters is my fav book, might be yours too.

      Thank you for commenting, and keep listening.

  15. Best show ever! Thanks for the CRICKETS! πŸ˜€
    I have only read one book by SXM shocking I know πŸ˜‰ that was the crush, so as to WWIF in that one it would have to be Chiara, I’m planning on reading more of SXM work at some point, now the blanket is done I will have more time πŸ˜›

    Looking forward to the next show!

  16. I realize I’m very late to this episode, but I’m catching up after a few hectic months.

    Anyway, I just want to say that I LOVED hearing Susan say “I got no muse. This is just work, there’s no one giving it to me”.

    As a non-creative person, I don’t “get” the muse thing. It’s refreshing to hear an author say it is a “honed skill”. That, I can understand. I’m not saying there is no such thing as a muse, I’ve just never had a creative thought in which I felt it was directing me. I appreciate Susan for speaking about that.

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