Category: Authors

  • Episode 110 – Susan X. Meagher and Summer of Love

    Susan’s back to talk about her most recent novel, Summer of Love and we’re excited to chat with her. Hopefully you’ll be able to catch the show live but if not, we’re sure you’ll enjoy it any time. Or many times. Whatever you prefer.

  • Episode 109 – Ashley Bell by Dean Koontz

    Colette is back with us so that means we’re going to be talking about a book with blood and murder. It’s what we do… This time around, we’re discussing Dean Koontz’s latest novel, Ashley Bell. There were plenty of twists and turns in this book and the conversation should be fun. Hope you can join […]

  • Conversations at the Bar with Jove Belle and Cake

    Jove Belle stopped by to chat with us about her brand-spanking new novella, Cake, among other things. Being the generous soul she is, Jove’s donating 10% of the profits from the sale of Cake to World Food Programme so if you needed another reason to pick up the novella, here’s your chance to give to […]

  • Conversations at the Bar – Blythe Rippon

    Author Blythe Rippon stopped by to chat with us about her new book, Stowe Away. Give a listen and then check it out. You can download a sample or purchase a copy of Stowe Away by clicking here.