Conversations at the Bar – Renee MacKenzie
It’s all about Renee! Renee MacKenzie, not Renee O’Conner. I kid! Seriously, Renee was a bit nervous about being on the show, but after a few minutes was calm, cool, and collected, which is the Renee I know and love. Have a listen then go and check out her blog at http://reneemackenzie.wordpress.com/ then buy her […]
Conversations at the Bar with Layce Gardner & Saxon Bennett
Andy and I had double the fun with our guests Layce Gardner and Saxon Bennet on this episode of Conversations at the Bar. Saxon didn’t say much but Layce did lay down some pretty strict rules for her to follow so that may have had something to do with it. The rest of us let […]
Conversations at the Bar – Jove Belle
Andy and I had a great time shooting the shit with Jove Belle about all sorts of things. Even though I was moderately inebriated by the end of the show, I remember having fun and laughing a lot. I also remember having to defend The Bearded Clam Challenge. Don’t fear The Clam!! I know you’ll […]
Conversations at the Bar – Andi Marquette
Hey listeners! Andy, my Andy, had this ready for posting a couple of days ago but I’ve been enjoying my mini-vacation and completely dropped the ball! I apologize, sincerely, for depriving you of the fun. Here’s what Andy, my Andy with a Y, wrote up for the intro: Once again, it’s the Andy and Andi […]