It’s all about Renee! Renee MacKenzie, not Renee O’Conner. I kid! Seriously, Renee was a bit nervous about being on the show, but after a few minutes was calm, cool, and collected, which is the Renee I know and love.
Have a listen then go and check out her blog at then buy her books at or at Amazon (Cocktail Hour is an affiliate). Oh, and her blog site has a pic of her and her “heart.”
5 responses to “Conversations at the Bar – Renee MacKenzie”
[…] 18, Conversations at the Bar with author Renee MacKenzie from Blue Feather Books. Check it out HERE. Cocktail Hour – April 16, Conversations at the Bar with Layce Gardner and Saxon Bennett. They […]
Very nice chat! Renee – I was thinking that maybe a blow gun could be fun for your nature walks. They’re not very bulky.
As always Renee,you amaze me.I feel blessd to have met you and have become good friends.Loved Confined spaces and Flight,clawing for Nesting! Great interview,good job my friend! You forgot to mention that when you and I go on swamp adventures that I always have my trusty pocket knife and would jump in front of you and and your camara to fight off whatever! (he he)
Thanks, Rev. I think I’ll stick with the camera, but interesting idea!
Thanks Kathy for the kind words. I treasure your friendship and support. But remember… what happens on swamp adventures, stays on swamp adventures… Except if I change our names and put it in a book, of course. Miss you, my friend.