Episode 60 – Bev Prescott

One of our favorite people spent some time with us today! Bev Prescott hung out to chat about her new book, Step Into the Wind. Not only did Bev agree to talk with us but she agreed to give an autographed paperback copy to one of you wonderful listeners! And there was no arm twisting involved. Just goes to show you what a sweet, wonderful person Bev is. So be sure to leave your comment, no later than March 8th, and let Bev know what some of your favorite wild things are.

Ms. Prescott selected, but did not make, the featured cocktail. Andy and I enjoyed it VERY much! Andy said it was very Jenniferesque.

Eagle Eye
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Passoa
2 oz Orange Juice
1 oz Cranberry Juice

Shake it up, pour it over ice, drink it down. mmmmm

Bev will be joining us next weekend for a new installment in the health and wellness Bar Rags. The topic will be motivation. So if you have a comment or a question, record it by calling 747-224-7763 and Bev will answer on the show. You can also always leave a message for any of the Cocktail Hour folks or previous guests.

We hope you have as much fun listening to the show as we had recording it!

28 responses to “Episode 60 – Bev Prescott”

  1. Just wanted to say I was tickled at the Xena references! Thanks for another great show, and for a new book to read. I happen to have gone from being bullied in middle school to raising two children that have been bullied. The aftermath can be long lasting. I look forward to this read!

  2. Hi. Very interesting show. I am slightly confused by the question – do you mean favorite wild thing as in favorite wild animal (referring to the eagles discussed on the show that were also used as a metaphor for some of the things the main character was going through in the book?) I haven’t read the book yet, but it sounds like one I’d like to try based on the discussions on the show. 🙂

  3. Wonderful show! I agree that Bev is one of the nicest & most kind people anyone could ever know. Wild things? Wild trout, deer, hawks, Flickers and all kinds of owls. And certainly the wildness in my heart when I can stand among them all! Cheers, kudos and thanks!

  4. […] Cocktail Hour – Episode 60 of the cocktail hour features author Bev Prescott. She just released Step into the Wind from Blue Feather Books (And she’s giving away a signed copy here at Women & Words later this month! Stay tuned.). Listen to that interview HERE. […]

  5. Rabid squirrels!

    No, just kidding. Any type of wild cat. Could be mountain lions, panthers or any other one. I love their stealthiness!

  6. My favourite wild things are rushing water, ferns and patches of sunlight on the forest floor, bears, never ending waves and the roar at the beach, sandpipers and anyplace where the solitude is palpable – so there (grin)

  7. I loved Bev’s book and all the serious components she addressed. And I’m looking forward to Laurie talk this weekend and her new book.

  8. I love dolphins. My Hawaiian name means little dolphin. I have seen, and even petted many wild animals. Wild animals and wild, beautiful nature are really beautiful things, but there is nothing do magnificent as the soul and spirit of a wild and beautiful woman. By wild, I mean full of laughter, living life, no longer invisible, but unafraid of being visible, a lioness, in spirit. These wild things thrived, in spite of adversity, and are unapologetically STILL HERE.

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