Conversations at the Bar – Lynette Mae

Sapphire Books Publishing author, Lynette Mae, joined me and Andy for a drink and some conversation about her work. You won’t want to miss this one. There aren’t any spoilers, I don’t think, so give a listen and find out what LM’s up to.

Lynette has generously agreed to give away two copies – ebook or print – of any of her books. Her boss, Isabella, is offering up any of her books if you’d rather have those. But, to be fair, that was more as a response to me trying to get her to offer any of the SBP authors’ books on her Bar Rag… I think after you listen to this show, you’ll definitely want one of Lynette’s books. Unless, of course, you already have them both. Either way, be sure to leave a comment letting us know which of LM’s books is your favorite and if you’ve not read any, why the hell not? Comments posted on or before 7/26 will be eligible to win.

OH! The anthology that Lynette mentions is Wild Girls, Wild Nights: True Lesbian Sex Stories Click on the title to download a sample or purchase a copy.

Enjoy the show!

22 responses to “Conversations at the Bar – Lynette Mae”

  1. I just listened to the show. I love both of Lynette’s books. I am not ex-military nor a police officer but could not put either book down once I picked them up. I have even read Faithful Service Silent Hearts several times. They(the books) were both so gripping and the characters real.
    I can’t wait until Rebound comes out.
    One other note: to remember to not listen while at work because I was laughing so hard near the end my coworkers thought I was crazy(well I am but….).
    Loved the show!

    • Thanks, LJ! I’m so happy that you have enjoyed the books. I do think Devon’s story transcends the military setting. It’s really about strength of the human spirit, and I think we all want to root for the everyday hero.

  2. Seriously! This show was hilarious 🙂

    Ok confession time! I’m one of the people who has not read any of Lynette’s books 🙁

    But I totally mean to! I have been super busy with work so I haven’t had any reading time, but they are both on my list.

    So If I win I would like a Ebook (+ free shit) 😀 of faithful service, silent hearts as its the first one, women in uniform rock!

    And I would love to read about Cheri the murderous cheerleader 😉 hilarious I would totally by that book!

  3. Great interview and discussion! Commenting out from Afghanistan, currently in uniform. LM’s books are my absolute favorites! FSSH got me hooked, line, and sinker. TP finished me off! Huge fan, and very thankful for LM’s story about what reality was in the military until the recent repeal of DADT policy. Thank you, LM, it is an honor to read your work and a privilege to travel along Devon’s journey in life. Can’t wait for your many books to come! And thank you for cocktail hour! I may not be able to drink out here, but the bloody Mary over the sound waves was exceptional. Oh, and possible cheerleading doctor? I think y’all are on to something! May the words flow freely, readers scan deeply, and your characters always live truly.

    • AJ – it’s a pleasure to virtually meet you. LM has said nothing but wonderful things about you. I’ll raise my Bloody Mary glass in your honor tonight.

      And don’t think I’m not going to stay on LM about the cheerleading doctor. Pom-pom joke potential GALORE!

      • AJ, I can’t tell you how humbling it is to know that you would find time in your busy soldier’s life somewhere in Afghanistan to hang out with us virtually at the Bar! Your support and thoughts on the stories move me and motivate me as a writer.

        Do keep yourself and the soldiers under your command safe. Tell them all that we have nothing but respect and support for everything you do for us every day. Thank you!

  4. Loved both books. The “military book” thing was a non-issue for me. I am NOT a fan of the standard formula romance and am constantly looking for books that are other, so thank heavens for your books. I do need to buy the revised version of Tactical as we received the older version when we ordered it back in May.

    Please write more, quickly!! And it’s just fine if you continue to put Cheri on the back cover, but perhaps next time she could wear her super hero cape, while shaking those pom poms? (I really think Cocktail Hour needs to add video!)

    • Ha! Thanks, Allison! The endorsement of all aspects of my writing is certainly appreciated. I’ll have to discuss a future photo shoot with Cheri. the possibilities are endless. 🙂 Look for Rebound coming this fall, and hopefully it will continue in the tradition of “different”. All the best to you and Ro.

  5. I enjoyed the show. I haven’t read any of Lynette’s books. Just haven’t got around to them yet. 🙂 However, after hearing the show I’ll definitely add them to my list of books to buy. (Winning one would be great, too!) The military angle definitely interests me. 🙂

  6. I listened to the podcast yesterday on a long road trip and through the magic of ebooks, I am now reading FSSH and loving it. Great interview.

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