We’re so very pleased that you decided to join us! After Sandra Moran shared a reading with us we knew she had to come back for a full show. So, sit back and relax and enjoy!
If you want to see all the questions that were posted as a part of the live conversation, head over to the event page: https://plus.google.com/events/cd3je2m2hqu064er8itpibg5aa4. You can hear them as I read them out no matter which way you go. And if you just want the audio version, we’ve got that for you, too! We aim to please!
Sandra gave away a print copy of Nudge and the upcoming Addendum live and has another set to give away to a lucky listener here on the site. Just leave a comment letting us know who, living or dead, you’d like to have dinner with. If they’re dead, they’d come back to life for the event, of course. Post your comments no later than July 18th to be eligible to win.
You can download a sample or purchase Nudge by clicking here.
3 responses to “Episode 89 – Sandra Moran”
Great interview
I would love to have dinner with Queen Elizabeth II as she has seen so much modern history and would know a lot of the background to events and The Dalai Lama, as he is – in my view – current Nudge.
Very much enjoyed the show! I am really looking forward to reading the book!
The two people I would like to have dinner with are my Mom, who passed in’89, and Jimmy Carter. My Mom, because she is my Mom :), and I would be curious to see what she thinks of how far gay rights has come. I would have liked for her to have been able to come to my wedding. And Jimmy Carter, because I believe he was truly a fantastic president and what he is accomplishing now. A truly good human being.
Still going with my grandma, but also would love to meet Jesus – not for any religious reasons at at all – simply to get some facts straight from the source.