Episode 81 – Cheyne Curry & Brenda Barton

Hello dear listeners! This episode finds Andy and I getting inebriated on the wonderfully tasty (and potent) Bushwacker. Oh, we also spoke with power couple Cheyne Curry and Brenda Barton about Cheyne’s newest release, The Tropic of Hunter. But the conversation didn’t end with chatting about the book – which Andy and I both enjoyed. We also talked about what Breyne & Chenda, er, I mean Cheyne and Brenda have going on in the other areas of their multimedia empire so you won’t want to miss this episode!

Cheyne is offering up a paperback copy of one of each of her books: The Tropic of Hunter, Clandestine, and Renegade. All you have to do is leave a comment letting us know who, out of all of Cheyne’s work – published or online – you would fuck and why. That’s right, we’re doing a WWYF for the entry this time around in honor of Andy coming back from her mini-CHP vacation. Be sure to leave your comment no later than 12/27 to be eligible to win.

I just noticed that the recipe for the Bushwacker says it makes three. I just put it in a big glass and used a McDonald’s sized straw. No wonder we were in the bag! Anyway, here’s how you make it. I left off the nutmeg.


(makes 3)

2. oz Coconut Rum
2 oz. Vodka
2 Oz. Bailey’s
2 oz. Kahlua
2 oz. Amaretto
2 oz. Cream of Coconut
Chocolate Syrup
Pinch of Nutmeg

Drizzle chocolate syrup in a glass. Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend with ice, pour in the glass. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

As promised, here’s the video for Renegade and a shot of Cheyne’s Butch Pants. Enjoy! And remember to feed those bards!

6 responses to “Episode 81 – Cheyne Curry & Brenda Barton”

  1. I cannot believe there are no comments yet on this wild and crazy show, did all the listeners have a bushwhacker too? Can I enter even if I can’t answer your question? I haven’t read any of Cheyne’s books but once again the Cocktail Hour has given me an author I need to try. Unfortunately the font size on most of the fanfic and other online sites is too small for my tired old eyes so I miss a lot of good stuff.

    Thanks for the entertainment and more importantly for your military service.


  2. I haven’t read any of Cheyne’s work yet. However it sounds very interesting and I do discover lots of new (to me) authors by listening to the show. Thanks for keeping it spoiler-free! So in terms of the question WWIF, I have no idea. I will just have to go with Andi and Cheyne and say Lisa from Tropic of Hunter.

  3. I haven’t read any of Cheyne’s work but have wanted to for ages!

    As to WWIF I choose Rachel because Charlie said so! 😛

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